We’ve had a re-fit!!!
And we don’t mean our office space! Yes, it’s been a long time coming! Yes, it’s been long than we planned! And yes, we have put our heart and soul into the finished product and we are delighted to finally launch our new website!
It’s been 6 months in the making would you believe, but with a whole bunch of creative minds we’ve tried to capture something from each of us whilst ensuring every element has gelled to create an easy to navigate site, showcasing our work, our people and all the nuts and bolts that make up Bluewood Office Interiors.
We’ve also had time to reflect on some of our projects and reminisce on the experiences we have had that have taken the business from inception to where we are now, and we are super proud of how far we have come and what we have achieved.
Our expertise has grown significantly, and our experience is far broader than when we first started out in 2016.
But our motivation has remained the same: deliver a functional work space that presents a wow factor whilst keeping an eye on commercial motives. We believe we do this well.
So, this website is not only the shop window to our business, but a reflection of how we have grown and evolved and the story of Bluewood.
Happy browsing!